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- Ph.D in Computer Science, University of Minnesota, 2026 (expected)
- M.S. in Information Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, 2019
- B.S. in Biology, Kumamoto University, 2017
Work experience
- Jan 2024 - : Pre-Doctoral Research Training Award Fellow
- The National Institutes of Health
- Working on graph with drug discovery
- Supervisor: Dr. Augustin Luna
- May - Sep 2023: Mentor
- Google Summer of Code
- As a mentor, I work with Dr. Augustin Luna to support Favour James in a project, Generate Example Dataset for PyTorch Geometric Based on Pathway Commons and Prototype.
- Supervisor: Dr. Augustin Luna
- Jun - Sep 2022: Mentee
- Google Summer of Code
- Worked on “Create a Pipeline from data extraction to execution of GNN based Drug Response Prediction”.
- Supervisor: Dr. Augustin Luna
- Apr 2019 - Jun 2021: Machine Learning Researcher
- FreakOut, Inc.
- Worked on click-through rate prediction, calibration, and cloud environment management. Using Python, Perl, C++, and Scala, I have been working on implementing some algorithms such as factorization machine and Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm.
- Supervisor: Dr. Masakazu Sano
- Programming
- Python
- R
- Perl
- Scala
- Swift
- Library
- PyTorch
- PyTorch Geometric
- langchain
- Cloud
drGAT: Attention-Guided Gene Assessment of Drug Response Utilizing a Drug-Cell-Gene Heterogeneous Network
Conference - poster at AI Symposium, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, US
Comparison of fluxome simulation and metabolome analysis using murine glioblastoma initiating cells
Conference - poster at 19th International Conference on Systems Biology, Lyon, France
Analysis of training intensity using the Apple Watch
Conference - poster at Creative and International Competitiveness Project 2017, Ikoma, Japan